Hugo, an expert in mind-body-spirit energy work, shares how he shifted from focusing on techniques to embracing the human connection in coaching. Meanwhile, Jordan, from the construction industry, opens up about his journey of taming his inner...
Imagine a life where you're crystal clear about how you want to be treated, taking consistent steps to ensure your needs are met without apology. Whether you resonate with the Caregiver, Pleaser, Hero, or Orphan archetype, understanding these...
In this special episode, you'll hear firsthand accounts from those who have conquered fear and self-doubt, overcome imposter syndrome and self-sabotage, and silenced their inner critic. They’ve built their self-confidence and self-worth, empowering...
In this powerful episode, Dr. MaryCatherine McDonald, known as MC, takes us on an enlightening journey through the complexities of trauma, healing, and the pursuit of joy. She shares her unique perspective on trauma, describing it as an unbearable...