Episode 301: MOA – With the avoidance of pain, we lose the healing too…

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The Catherine Plano Podcast
The Catherine Plano Podcast
Episode 301: MOA - With the avoidance of pain, we lose the healing too...

Spiritual bypassing brings more pain and damage than anything else because when we repress our “sh!t”, we are only increasing the magnitude and depth of our wounds…

✨ What causes spiritual bypassing?

✨ How do you know if you are spiritual bypassing?

✨ Why is radical acceptance so important?

When we are suppressing negative emotions and avoiding their very existence – bottling up feelings of lower vibrational frequencies, that will only accumulate over time can affect our physical, emotional and mental health.

The thing is this, we can only cure our wounds if we attend to them. Imagine not attending to a real wound, what do you think will happen then? Your wound would get infected or worse!

Radical acceptance is a practice of accepting all of you. Yep, warts and all. Your whole self, your physical body, all your emotions, your self-talk and your out of control, out-there, over-the-top thinking. Which means this, you are not broken … and you don’t need fixing. You do not have to invest your time nor energy on self-improvement, nothing to correct, overcome or turnaround.

Radical acceptance is to observe and being present with what bubbles up for you in the very moment with non-judgment, compassion and wholeheartedly embrace what is taking place rather than resisting, denying and avoiding the pain that you are experiencing.

Radical acceptance is based on the belief that suffering comes from one’s attachment to the pain and accepting difficult situations is the first step towards change. In this episode we are going to talk about why we dismiss or avoid reality. Why it’s important to understand spiritual bypassing and how to practice radical acceptance with some really cool life coaching techniques.

And … of course I will always give you three shiny golden nuggets for every moments of AWE together.

Read the Blog: How Spiritual Bypassing Stops You from Dealing with Unresolved Wounds

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Episode 313