Episode 298: MOA – Vulnerability is standing in your truth…

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The Catherine Plano Podcast
The Catherine Plano Podcast
Episode 298: MOA - Vulnerability is standing in your truth...

For most of our growing years we were told at a very young age not to express our emotions, to ‘zip it’ and keep it shut … or not to show our vulnerability despite feeling trapped, desperately needing support … or on a verge of a breakdown.

  • Why do we struggle to be our authentic selves?
  • Why are we so afraid of being vulnerable?
  • How do we stop being so scared of vulnerability?

And yet ‘connection’ is the number one human need and vulnerability is the driving force of connection. Then how are we to function without vulnerability?

Not to put a damper on things but if we don’t flex our vulnerability muscle it will impact our physical, emotional and mental wellbeing because resilience starts with vulnerability.

How many times have you found yourself in a boring conversation, a shallow one of that … a job that doesn’t light you up … or a disappointing relationship and instead of standing in your truth, you hold back from being your authentic self not to upset or disappoint the other person?

Instead, why not embrace the freedom of not caring? When you do not seek or need approval, you are at your most powerful. True freedom comes from not worrying about what other people say about you.

When you truly don’t care about the opinions of others, you have reached a wonderfully awesome level of freedom. Otherwise, you are living your life controlled by other people.

Being your authentic self is easier said than done but well worth it. In this episode, we are going to cover how to stand in your truth without guilt, how to be your authentic self without the fear and how to express your needs and wants openly without judgment.

And … of course I will always give you three shiny golden nuggets for every moments of AWE together.

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Episode 310