Episode 310: BC – How to Create Deep and Meaningful Relationships…

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Meaningful Relationships
The Catherine Plano Podcast
The Catherine Plano Podcast
Episode 310: BC - How to Create Deep and Meaningful Relationships...

We all struggle with relationship problems. Some more than others. Whether they are acquaintances, friends, family, romantic or work relationships and here’s the thing… They are just programs!

We all have an attachment style that is playing out and if we are not consciously aware of its play—it will continue to attract the same relationships repeatedly until we heal our attachment wounds that were developed at a very young age depending on the type of relationship we had with our primary caregiver.

Attachment comes in multiple shades of colours… not just in relationships but we can get attached to an outcome, a response or even a text message!

There are four attachment styles that we need to be aware of based on John Bowlby’s work on ‘attachment theory’ there is Secure, Anxious (preoccupied), Fearful (disorganised) and Avoidant (dismissive) attachment styles…

Blog: How to Create Deep and Meaningful Relationships…

New Book: Shifts Only Happen Once You Own Your Sh!t

The Deep Work: https://shadow.catherineplano.com.au/

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Episode 322