Have you ever reached a plateau in your life where it doesn’t matter what you do and how hard you work—you always end up in the same place where you started from… feeling unsatisfied with your life?
Do you sometimes fear not being able to hold on to success or happiness? Almost as though you are at arm’s length—you are almost there but something gets in your way.
Or… you get it! But you don’t know how to keep it whether it’s love, a relationship, or a great opportunity.
You see this is how we stand in our own way. It’s the Saboteur who lives in that deeper part of our mind—the unconscious mind where.
- Our perceptions control our behaviours
- The stories we keep telling ourselves come from
- The ‘why’ we sabotage ourselves
- Our lack of self-worth or self-esteem comes from
We all have a Saboteur that gets in our way that causes all kinds of stress, frustration, and self-doubt—leaving us second-guessing ourselves. As you can imagine this leads to unhappiness, dissatisfaction, and feeling unfulfilled.
You may be thinking the Saboteur is going out of its way to see you fail, to conspire against you, or to punish you because of its association with deception, dishonesty, and treachery. Quite the contrary—the Saboteur is here to protect you. The Saboteur is afraid of pain, and it will do anything, and I do mean anything to avoid it at-all-cost.
If you are crippled with self-doubt, second-guessing yourself or have a strong inner critic then this episode is for you. We are going to look at how the Saboteur develops. How it’s connected to fear and how to acknowledge its voice that is constantly echoing “you are not good enough” “you are not smart enough” or “you are not attractive enough.” The Saboteur has a purpose and all we need to do is give it a voice to be heard and healed.
And… of course, I will always give you three shiny golden nuggets for every moment of AWE together.
Read the Blogs:
How to Discover and Conquer the Sneaky Mischievous Saboteur
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