Are you waiting for something to happen before you make the change? Are you relying on some big event in your life to sweep you out of your day-to-day regular life? Let’s face it. We all want something different to take place in our life. But are we willing to make the change ourselves or are we waiting for some larger-than-life genie in a magic bottle to appear out of thin air to grant us three wishes—or a fairy godmother with magical powers to mentor us on what we should do next?
We often invest way too much time external of our reality to find the answers. More than ever before we have access to so much information which can distort our sense of reality. It can create confusion, a sense of overwhelm and leave the brain not knowing whether to fight, flee or freeze. Why seek external of ourselves for the truth when we are the truth? All we have to do is turn our gaze and fix our eyes not on what is seen but on what is unseen. There, we will find all the answers.
No knight in shining armour is coming to save you. Change starts and stops with us. If you feel confused right now, much of the collective is with you. The only way through this confusion is to get out of our minds and into our hearts. When we come from a place of love—we would not be seeking external of ourselves for the truth.
Love is all that exists. When we live life from the heart and not from the mind. We are guided by what makes us feel good. We feel more energised, we experience more peace, joy, bliss, compassion and all the higher vibrational frequencies that we yearn for. It’s time to raise our vibes and be the light.
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