Episode 304: MOA – How to recognise and overcome your victim mindset…

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The Catherine Plano Podcast
The Catherine Plano Podcast
Episode 304: MOA - How to recognise and overcome your victim mindset...

Are you waiting for your moment? An exceptional relationship, job, or life. Waiting for the right time, opportunity, or something better to come along.

Well, the moment you have been waiting for is right here. Right now. Why wait any longer when you have the power to create the life that you want today.

So many individuals seek external of themselves to tap into the right resources to have the life they want. Look no further you are the power! You have all the potential and possibilities that you seek, and this can all be unleashed through having the right mindset.

We all have our bad days. We get triggered by external factors. We experience pain, whether physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually. Some things may trip us over that is out of our control … and at times bad things just happen to us. If you find yourself blaming others, events, or situations in your life — you may be experiencing a victim mindset.

Once you become aware of the victim mindset and its purpose. Yes. Its purpose. Because there is probably a secondary gain for you to keep this victim mindset alive. It may have served you in some way in the past – such as giving you attention, sympathy or keeping your old stories alive to bypass what is truly going on in the present moment.

People with a victim mindset think that bad things are always happening to them, that life is out to get them and blame others for their misfortunes, to the point where they give up trying and do not take any responsibility for their own life. However, we all have a choice. We were not born with a victim mindset. This is a learned behaviour, which means we have the power to change it. It’s up to us. We can decide to live a life as a victim or a victor.

And … of course I will always give you three shiny golden nuggets for every moment of AWE together.

Read the Blog:

Don’t let your history interfere with your destiny!

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Episode 316