Episode 303: TFMP – Non-resistance is the key to bliss, joy, and happiness with Catherine Plano

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Non-resistance is the key to bliss, joy, and happiness
The Catherine Plano Podcast
The Catherine Plano Podcast
Episode 303: TFMP - Non-resistance is the key to bliss, joy, and happiness with Catherine Plano

What drives us to want to know yesterday? Think about it. How often have you wanted to know ahead of time whether this was the right decision. Or know ahead of time whether this person, job or friend is right for you before you invest your precious time and energy.

By the way, all that does is create more resistance. And resistance is experienced as fear, that’s why courage is resistance to fear but how do we not only become aware of the resistance but what do we do about it considering we are hardwired to resist change.

Most of the time the resistance comes from a misalignment to our values and not willing to step out of our comfort zone and so we invest so much time, energy and sweat fighting the resistance to change.

What if I told you we got it all back the front? What if I told you there was an easier way out of this resistance cycle? Yep. It is doing the opposite. Resistance takes a lot of brain power, time, energy and is very active in nature. Whereas non-resistance is passive, non-reactive and a way to connect with what is really going on within you.

True freedom, bliss, joy, and happiness all can be part of our day-to-day way of living once we master the practice of non-judgement, non-attachment, and non-resistance.

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Episode 315