Catherine is here today with Dr Carol Parker Walsh. Dr Carol Parker Walsh is a powerful advocate for women unapologetically living life on their terms and doing the work they were meant to do in the world.
When she was eight her mother asked her, “Why is it when everyone goes left, you go right?” She replied, “Why do I have to go where everyone else does?”, and now she empowers women to boldly walk their path too.
A two-time best-selling author, international speaker and award-winning consultant, Carol’s been the “go to” coach for Grammy Award Winners, Paralympic Gold Medallists, Fortune 500 executives, and 6-7 figure successful driven professionals and entrepreneurs.
Often, and proudly, compared to Oprah for her insight, wisdom, intelligence, compassion and rebel approach, Carol helps her clients stop hiding in the shadows of their brilliance and step into the power of who they are, their vision, purpose and their life’s work.
Find Out More About Dr Carol Parker Walsh
Follow Dr. Carol Parker Walsh on Facebook
Connect with Dr. Parker Walsh on Twitter @drcpwalsh
Follow Dr. Parker Walsh on Instagram @drcarolparkerwalsh
It’s now time to tune into this one very inspirational human being.