We all struggle with relationship problems. Some more than others. Whether they are acquaintances, friends, family, romantic or work relationships and here’s the thing... They are just programs!
Please consider the following questions: Do you have a hard time knowing your feelings or that you even have them? Do you need a lot of reassurance but have trouble believing in them? Are your behaviours unpredictable and hard to categorise...
Terri Cole is a New York-based, licensed psychotherapist, relationship expert and founder of Real Love Revolution and Boundary Bootcamp, her two female empowerment courses reaching women in over 25 countries. Before earning a Master’s Degree in...
Have you ever reached a plateau in your life where it doesn’t matter what you do and how hard you work—you always end up in the same place where you started from… feeling unsatisfied with your life? Do you sometimes fear not being able to hold on to...